Teach you how to use and maintain the micro tiller

Farmer friends buy micro tillage machine, in use must have the correct operation method, and need to do a good job of daily maintenance work.

Safe operation:

1, through the ditch, ridge to use the pedal;

2, when driving should pay attention to the shoulder;

3. It is forbidden to rush forward, stop, turn and speed up.

4, the engine is not stopped in operation, hands and feet can not be extended into the rototiller;

5. Do not look away or let go;

6. It is forbidden to stand behind the rototiller for backward operation.

Daily maintenance:

Before each use, check whether the bolts and nuts of each part are loose and the amount of lubricating oil. At the same time, regular maintenance and maintenance should be carried out.

1. The engine oil should be changed every 100 hours after the first 20 hours;

2. The replacement of driving gearbox oil shall be replaced every 200 hours after the first 50 hours;

3, fuel filter every 500 hours cleaning 1000 hours to replace;

4. Clean the air filter every day.


If the engine is not running, it can be checked in several ways. One is to check whether the fuel is used up, if so, the exclusion method is to supplement the fuel; The second is to check whether the engine starting sequence is correct, the exclusion method is to check the start pull disk; Three is to check whether the engine compression is good, the exclusion method is not to pull the decompression lever, use the recoil hand rotation; Four is to check whether the fuel injection is not out, the exclusion method is to check whether the fuel nozzle is stuck, and whether the fuel pipeline into the air.

If the engine has no power, it can be checked from several aspects. One is to check whether the air filter is blocked, the exclusion method is to clean the filter; Two is to check whether the engine oil deteriorates or becomes less, the exclusion method is to replace or supplement the oil; Three is to check whether the engine has compression, the exclusion method is to replace the piston ring.


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